Tag Archives :Distance
Offshore Marine Communication Systems
- Apr 09,2021
- Leeric
- entertaining information
The latest standards for long distance offshore marine communication systems have changed over the years; are you up to date with the latest safety standards? Flags and semaphores were once main forms of long distance offshore marine communication. Radio telecommunication has seen a huge rise over the last century, thanks to advances in technology, leading to the vast changes that increase overall safety. ...
How much Range can you get with marine radio
- Oct 08,2020
- Leeric
- Maritime knowledge
Radio travels as waves… similar to light, and like light, it can be reflected, reduced, or even stopped by other objects. A popular answer is 'line of sight’ which essentially means 'if you can see it, you can talk to it'. This is generally a good guide. You must remember that the radio signal comes from the radio aerial (not the radio itself) and therefore mounting the antenna higher allows the radio to 'see' further. ...